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When was the last time you looked up at your ceiling fans? If it's been a while, you might be surprised at the amount of dust that has accumulated on the fan blade! Dusting the ceiling fan likely isn't part of your regular house cleaning , and it's tricky to do without making a mess of the dust.
Here's a simple, effective way to clean the dust off a ceiling fan:
Why this works
Not only does the pillow case trap the dust, but the thin material is easily charged with static electricity; when you wipe the fan blade, it attracts the dust to the pillow case. Though many people probably aren't going to be looking up to appreciate your handywork, a dust-free ceiling fan keeps your air cleaner. You will also be able to amaze your friends with your clever cleaning trick!
Remember, too, that if keeping your house clean is a strain on your time, work, or family, cleaning services might help you stay on top of things.
23480 Aurora Rd #1 Bedford Heights, OH 44146, USA