By mmanhoff
January 16, 2017
When was the last time you looked up at your ceiling fans? If it's been a while, you might be surprised at the amount of dust that has accumulated on the fan blade! Dusting the ceiling fan likely isn't part of your regular house cleaning, and it's tricky to do without making a mess of the dust. Here's a simple, effective way to clean the dust off a ceiling fan: Find a standard-sized pillow case. For an extra smart step in reducing your workload, clean the ceiling fans on the same day you wash linens, and just use a pillow case you're about to wash anyway. Slip the pillow case over the fan blade. Take care to do this kind of slowly as not to knock all of the dust off before the pillow case is in place. Wrap your hands around the open edge of the pillow case and wipe the fan blade as you pull it off. This traps the dust in the case and keeps it from getting everywhere. Repeat for every fan blade, but be careful not to knock the dust out as you go! Why this works Not only does the pillow case trap the dust, but the thin material is easily charged with static electricity; when you wipe the fan blade, it attracts the dust to the pillow case. Though many people probably aren't going to be looking up to appreciate your handywork, a dust-free ceiling fan keeps your air cleaner. You will also be able to amaze your friends with your clever cleaning trick! Remember, too, that if keeping your house clean is a strain on your time, work, or family, cleaning services might help you stay on top of things.