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Ways to Encourage Your Children to Clean

mmanhoff • June 4, 2012

Despite their sometimes wild nature, children enjoy order as much as we do, they just need some direction in learning to help with the  housekeeping.

  • Start with a clean room. Make sure everything has a place. Use bins to keep small parts together and shelves for larger items. If your child knows where to put things as they clean, they are more likely to help out.
  • Show them how. Let them see you cleaning. I know I’m guilty of picking up in the mornings before the children are awake, but children are master imitators. If they see you clean, they will want to follow your example.
  • Invite them to help. As you’re cleaning around them, ask for their help with specific tasks. Give them something simple to focus on, like picking up all the toy cars or making sure dirty clothes get put in the hamper.
  • Make it fun! Find ways to appeal to the things your child likes. If they are competitive, turn cleaning into a race against the clock. If they like music, crank up their favorite tunes and dance around while you clean. The more fun you make it, the less it will seem like work—for them and for you!
  • Reinforce good behavior. Praise your kids for the effort they put into cleaning. They might not always do a perfect job, but if they’ve put in a good effort, let them know you’re proud and grateful for their help.

Starting with a clean house is definitely the first step to teaching your children to become more organized. For ideas or to find out how The Maids can help, take a look at the  cleaning services  we offer!

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