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Cleaning Away Bedbugs and Dust Mites and Preventing Them from Returning

mmanhoff • May 2, 2014

Bed bugs and dust mites are only 2 of the most irritating bugs you may ever have contact with. Just imagine - you're sleeping peacefully in your bed, when you're suddenly awoken by an unexpected itchiness. As you continue to scratch the irritated part, it swells much more, becoming scratchy in the process. While not health threatening by itself, it can be really troublesome, specifically if you want to just lay down on the bed after a hectic day.

These bugs take shelter on your beds - the same beds you use whenever you sleep. Their daily diet consists primarily of your dead skin cells, which, when bitten, creates a bodily reaction that will cause you to scratch the affected part. These bugs are also persistent, and can live for days and even months without any food whatsoever. They additionally have the ability to replicate swiftly, which means you'll have more problems in the future if you do not eliminate them now.

If you wish a relaxing sleep on your bed, then it is time to get rid of these annoying bugs for good.

Bedbugs and Dust Mites Eradication

Bed Bugs and dust mites are difficult to deal with; they have numerous hiding places (together with your bed) they can take refuge on. A little crack on your wall normally means a safe haven for these bugs. For you to exterminate them, you'll need to be very patient and persistent.

To begin, you'll have to clean your house completely. Cleaning the rooms that started the bug infestation isn't enough, because they may have taken refuge to other areas of your home once they are driven out from their original spots. Therefore, performing a house general cleaning is very important. Doing monthly general cleaning will help you in eradicating these bugs completely.

Making use of pesticides can also aid in killing these irritating bugs. Pesticides are effective in cleaning away these bugs, because these pesticides have chemicals that are hazardous to them. But, one problem with using these pesticides is that the same chemicals can be unhealthy for your body also. Make certain to use something to cover your nose whenever you spray these pesticides, regardless of whether it is having an “environment friendly” tag or not.

If the previous strategies do not work for you, then it is time for you to take it up to the next stage - enlisting the aid of a company that offers specialized pest management services.

These companies have all the tools and equipment required to rid annoying bugs, prevent a bug infestation, and prevent them from coming back. Their bug eradication services, however, may be a little bit costly, but they are well worth every cent. If you are tired of handling these troublesome bugs, then enlisting for these companies help is the wisest thing you can do.

Keeping Your House Protected From Bed Bugs and Dust Mites

Prevention is better than a cure, as one popular saying goes. This applies in this situation too. It is less expensive and much easier to prevent these bugs from taking refuge on your house than ridding yourself of them afterwards when the bug infestation starts.

As said before, keeping your home clean can aid you in preventing a total bug infestation. Clean every part of your home, particularly the rooms that bugs commonly take refuge on (i.e. attics, garages, storages, basements). Be sure to do a routine home cleaning each month to keep your home safe from these bugs.

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